Friday, August 21, 2009

1 week to go in the chamber....

We have finished 7 weeks of the hyperbaric chamber, and Sophia's progress is nothing short of amazing! We have 1 week left. She is talking so much. She is using full sentences now, where before she would say, at the most, 3 words together. Her eye contact and attention span has improved greatly. She is sleeping much better. Her balance and coordination has improved quite a bit. She is now able to leap forward, whereas before she could barely get her feet off the ground to jump straight up.

Many of you have not had the privelege of spending a great deal of time with her, but if you had, you would know that her attention span was extremely short. So sitting and playing dolls, or barbies, or blocks, or whatever just wasn't something she did. The other night, she disappeared into her room for several minutes, probably 15, and came out with a huge lego creation that she called a house and quickly changed it to "daddy's work". For Sophia, that was a miracle. Before she didn't have the focus, let alone, the dexterity to complete a task like that. So, we were floored. I included a picture being the proud Mommy that I am.

So thank you all for your prayers. We are so grateful for this opportunity, and are so pleased with the results so far. We are going to do another round of treatments in another month or 2. But, for now we looking forward to starting the new school year with what seems like a brand new kid!

...And if I haven't said it before or enough, thank you Mom. We couldn't have taken advantage of this opportunity without her support. The chamber was in St. Pete, half way between Tampa and Sarsota. For the entire summer, Sophia would go stay in Tampa for several days at a time and my mom would take her to the treatments and keep her there so I could work. It was quite a juggling act for all of us, but we pulled together as a family and made it happen.

Check out the pictures and videos!


Jess and the rest of the Eskew clan

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week 1 in the hyperbaric chamber

We finished the first week of hyperbaric chamber treatments. She is doing so well, and we are so encouraged by the results so far. We have already begun to notice subtle changes in her social interaction (eye contact) and her behavior. Keep us in your prayers and we will keep you updated with the results. Hope you all had a happy 4th of July!!!
Love-Love, Cliff, Jess, Sophia and Lily

PS... date stamp is wrong. It's a year behind :-)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hyperbaric Chamber - Day 1

Day 1 - Sophia began hyperbaric oxygen treatments today and she did great! Although she wasn't crazy about the canula (oxygen tube) up her nose, or the popping of her ears during the "dive" she did better than we could have expected! Grammy did a great job of planning activities for her inside the chamber and the sippy cup helped with the ears. She had a DVD player with some of her favorite shows and cool books from the library. Sophia kept the oxygen in or near her nose for pretty much the entire session. Other kids who had their first visit today were screaming hysterically, but not Sophia. She couldn't have been more excited to go into the "robot bed". We have spent a few months talking it up and showing her pictures and practicing for the big day... so she was ready! The people that run the beds are absolute angels. Visit to read testimonials and see what this place is all about. We are going to try to catalog her progress by taking pictures and keeping a journal over the next several weeks. Things we have noticed after the 1st visit would be her insatiable appetite and a flushed look in her face. Her complexion is clear and her cheeks have been rosy since about 5 minutes into the dive. We will try to keep you all posted with the good news.

The Eskews

Friday, August 22, 2008

Hi All, We just wanted to send a quick update. Sophia is finishing up her first week at school. She loves it. Her class has a pet fish named Splash. She's doing just great. Lily is about to be 11 months old. She's walking, almost running now, and makes all kinds of animals sounds: lion, doggy, birdie, cat... she says Da-Da, Bah-Bah, Whoa-whoa when she falls down... I can't believe how fast she's growing.
Our house in Panama City is under contract again, thankfully, and we are scheduled to close on Thursday 8/28. Cliff is finishing up at Tyndall AFB, and will be joining us in Sarasota at the beginning of September. We love our new house in Sarasota. We're so close to family. Sarasota folk, you all have been so great about coming by to see me and make sure I'm not lonely, or overwhelmed.
Keep us in your prayers this week. Cliff is going to weather the storm up in North Florida. We're praying it doesn't delay our closing by flooding or hurricane damage.
Hugs to you all, here are some pictures from this week.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

We're moving this weekend! Cliff is moving us down to Sarasota this weekend, so we can settle in before school starts. He'll be down to join us at the beginning of September. Our buyers backed out of the contract, so we don't have our house sold, yet. We're praying that it happens soon, but it's all in God's hands. We're trying not to worry about it and have faith that it will all come together in God's perfect timing. We can't wait to be with family, finally! We have missed being at all the get-togethers. It will be so nice to be home for Thanksgiving! And we don't want to move again, like ever! Cliff has started with New York Life, and he's so excited to be moving forward with that. Lily is walking (see fuzzy video clip) and Sophia is working on the potty thing. We're all doing great.

Love you all.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Break Beats

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